Kalkan Kelebek Hotel & apartKalkan Kelebek Hotel & apart
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Villa Kelebek Kalkan

Villa Butterfly Villa Kelebek is a 5 bedroom rental villa located in the vicinity of Kalkan city center. The villa,


Villa Kelebek Hill 1

Our villas are carefully decorated for our honeymoon couples with a pool terrace. There is also an indoor heated pool


Villa Kelebek Hill 2

Our villas are carefully decorated for our honeymoon couples with a pool terrace. There is also an indoor heated pool


Villa Kelebek Oz

Villa Kelebek Oz is a large spacious 6-bedroom villa designed for large families. Located on the outskirts of the village

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Villa Kelebek Hill 2

Our villas are carefully decorated for our honeymoon couples with a pool terrace. There is also an indoor heated pool


Villa Kelebek Hill 1

Our villas are carefully decorated for our honeymoon couples with a pool terrace. There is also an indoor heated pool

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